Day 22 – Slow down and look

Day 22 - Slow down and look

Day 22
Another day of rest while my hand is significantly improving as the inflammation is going down and I am certainly appreciating some more function in my hand now .. I can drive and type without acute pain . So I must learn now not to overuse my hand now as the muscles are wasting but the function is there if I take care of it.This is an important lesson to learn from me … I have always dragged my body around and not taken care and listened to enough .

I used to operate in the fast lane all the time now I am in the slow lane , I can listen to my body and my mind now. My deepest regret is that I didn’t get in the slow lane more often . Life was a blur as in the photograph in my blog a few days ago. I didn’t see the beauty of the world and people around me . Everything is so much more beautiful as I limp along , going slowly , not talking and listening and observing instead. As yesterday’s blog I feel the warmth of my friends and appreciate their presence so much more and this gives me so much more pleasure .

We are always encouraged to do more , go faster, pack everything in, but are our lives improving with this? I have neglected by body, neglected my family and friends, and neglected getting joy from the world . Ironically even with this illness , I think I appreciate living more in a technicolor way . I see things I never took time to look at. So if you are in the fast lane if life spend one day just slowing down, get the bus and look out of the window one day instead of the car. Spend more time cooking your meal and get all the senses going of the vegetables and herbs , feel your food and sit and eat slowly and enjoy. Take a walk outside at night listen to the sounds, the birds , the colour of the sky, the breeze on your shoulders.

If you take your experiences more slowly your senses become more acute and you can think more clearly . So my time out and taking the slow train and stopping frequently has done me good as I can be positive about my world and lose the victim role .

6 thoughts on “Day 22 – Slow down and look

  1. I had my Hallamshire apt. yesterday. Much less traumatic as consultant, now has us directed towards fundraising to improve neuro opd, so we are now (apparently!) on first name terms. She asked me how I was ( the only guaranteed thing when you go to clinic) I described doing a 2 1/2 mile walk up to Ingleborough cave and feeling knackered the following day. Chris chipped in with should I be doing that. (could have clonked him) Response was basically no, not good to push yourself that hard. I was told in no uncertain terms to get my scooter out.
    Just wondered if you’ve invested in a scooter yet Linz……? You can go quite slowly on one you know!

  2. Very glad that you have learned this lesson – although a tough one to learn,and even tougher to remember to apply! Look after yourself – now, where have I heard that one before?! xXx

  3. It was so lovely to spend time with you (and Sarah!) this evening – sharing serious stuff and silliness in equal measure!
    I couldn’t believe what time is was when I left and feel guilty about tiring out your hand/arm again 😦
    You are going to have to get more bossy with folk Lindsay as no-one wants to leave your company once they are in it 🙂
    Love and hugs Liz xxx

  4. Hi Lindsay
    Beautiful photos and words.
    Thanks to you I just had a lovely moonlit cup of tea with my toes in the grass.
    Lots of love

  5. Very true, I went to TEDx Nashville earlier this year, such a great conference. One man discussed how saying NO to opportunities more often than yes may ironically lead to more opportunities. Really struck a chord with me. Ever since then I have tried to slow down, to take time to notice the things that are easy to overlook. The man’s name at the conference was David Baker

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